The Outpost At Pedee

Pedee Church is a diverse family of Christ followers who believe that not one should be lost.
Pedee is an outpost on the edge of a beautiful and wild land.

Just like any other outpost, we are the local expression of a much larger group - the Church.
Situated on the edge of the wilderness, Pedee is a place of fellowship and safety for those traveling through.

The Outpost also serves as home for many believers.

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The Outpost at Pedee Podcast

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Sunday Service

8:30 a.m.- Adult Sunday School class meets in the Blue Room

9:00 AM - Worship Service in the Sanctuary

10:00 AM - Message Service in the Sanctuary

Children's Church

Begins with our 10:00 AM service. Children are encouraged to participate in the 9:00 AM Worship Service with their families